Family, group, and individual therapy help people work through their problems, family problems, and peer issues. They learn why they make certain choices, discover triggers, and develop strategies for overcoming addiction and coping with triggers. Therapy often addresses addiction and any mental health issues that may co-occur with it. Rather than becoming victims of[…]
Read MoreNone of the herbal treatments available would work as an all-encompassing treatment for alcoholism. Herbal treatment for alcoholism detox have their vitamins for recovering alcoholics roots (pardon the pun) deep in the past. Plants have been utilized for many hundreds of years for the treatment of alcohol-related conditions. One of his studies, the results of which[…]
Read MoreBoston is an ideal location to continue on the recovery path with a variety of resources for residents of all ages. As one of the oldest cities in the United States, it also ranks highest for livability. Boston is also one of the 30 most financially influential cities, which offers endless vocational and volunteer opportunities[…]
Read MoreAA was established in 1935 as a nonprofessional mutual aid group for people who desire abstinence from alcohol, and its 12 Steps became integrated in SUD treatment programs in the 1940s and 1950s with the emergence of the Minnesota Model of treatment (White & Kurtz, 2008). The Minnesota Model involved inpatient SUD treatment incorporating principles[…]
Read MoreBecause the incidence of chronic conditions increases with age, older Americans are especially likely to take prescription medications — often as many as 10 per day — many of which likely react adversely with alcohol. Fortunately, educating patients about the risks of combining medications with alcohol may help them avoid negative outcomes. Here, we describe[…]
Read MoreContent Alcoholic Neuropathy: Understanding the Link Between Alcohol and Nerve Damage Other areas of the body CRediT authorship contribution statement Alcoholic polyneuropathy What Is Alcoholic Neuropathy? Recently, extended release gabapentin relieved symptoms of painful polyneuropathy [120]. Lamotrigine was effective in relieving central post stroke pain [121] and painful diabetic polyneuropathy [122], but recent larger studies[…]
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